Why Business Planning Is The Secret To Success For 2019

Do you set aside time regularly to plan what you want to do in your business?
If it’s not something you currently do, I strongly encourage you to embrace it for the remainder of this year and watch the transformations. Setting aside time at the beginning of each quarter, to plan out what I want to achieve in the coming 90 days has been crucial to my own success. During this 7 day challenge, I want to share some of what I’ve learned and what I’ve found helpful with you (so do subscribe if you want to follow along).
[bctt tweet=”Business planning is “the secret” to success.” username=”@mahoganeyjones”]
Let’s start off by taking a look at why business planning is “the secret” to success. There are a few different factors that come into play here. The first is efficiency. When you go in with a clear plan, you can focus on what’s most important. Instead of spending time trying to figure out what you should be working on, what pieces of the puzzle are missing from your product funnel, or what you need to do to break through to the next income level, you know exactly what needs to come next.
As we’ll explore in a future blog post, with a clear goal in mind and a plan for the year, it becomes easy to walk backwards to create effective and efficient daily to-do lists. Work on what needs to get done each day and you will reach your goals. Don’t have a plan for keeping track of your goals? Make sure you grab our 90-Day Business Planner to help you plan your goals.
[bctt tweet=”Make sure you grab our 90-Day Business Planner to help you plan your goals. http://bit.ly/90Day-Planner” username=”@mahoganeyjones”]
Next, setting a big goal for yourself helps you think outside the box. As your planning your next 90 days, decide on a big income goal for the coming month. Write it down. Keep it in front of you. Then get to work and start to notice what happens next. You start to think of things that didn’t occur to you before. You come up with creative ways to get more traffic. You decide to run a fun promo that adds dollars to your bank account. The same happens when an important deadline comes up unexpectedly. Think back on that client event that you knocked out of the park, or the last time you had 4 months to plan an event that you should have had a year. You got very creative about your event management and project management skills respectively.
A well-drawn up plan is probably the best tool I know of to allow you to tie everything in your business together. Make sure you grab your journal to get you started!
Last but not least, let’s talk about the subconscious. So far we’ve been focused on what we are actively doing to make progress by making a plan, setting goals and following through. There’s another dimension to all this and that’s what’s going on in our subconscious mind. While we are busy plowing through our to-do list, cooking dinner for the family, and even sleeping, our subconscious mind is working towards those goals as well.
In short, planning and setting goals is important because it helps you grow faster. That means you end up with more money for yourself and your loved ones while spending less time tied to your desk.